Thursday, March 3, 2011

-- How to map disk devices to physical devices in Solaris --

You can map between the two device naming conventions using a script like the one below.

Instance Names: Instance names refer to the nth device in the system (for example, sd20).

Instance names are occasionally reported in driver error messages. You can determine the binding of an instance name to a physical name by looking at dmesg(1M) output, as in the following example.

sd9 at esp2: target 1 lun 1 sd9 is /sbus@1,f8000000/esp@0,800000/sd@1,0

Once the instance name has been assigned to a device, it remains bound to that device.

Instance numbers are encoded in a device's minor number. To keep instance numbers consistent across reboots, the system records them in the /etc/path_to_inst file.

!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;

my @path_to_inst = qx#cat /etc/path_to_inst#;
map {s/"//g} @path_to_inst;
my ($device, $path, @instances);

for my $line (qx#ls -l /dev/dsk/*s2#) {
    ($device, $path) = (split(/\s+/, $line))[-3, -1];
    $path =~ s#.*/devices(.*):c#$1#;

    @instances =
        map {join("", (split /\s+/)[-1, -2])}
            grep {/$path/} @path_to_inst;
*emphasized text*
    for my $instance (@instances) {
        print "$device $instance\n";

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