Tuesday, October 19, 2010

-- upgrade error --

By Gary Oprendek
When upgrading grid to, you must make sure that patch 9413827 is installed on the grid and database binaries PRIOR to starting the upgrade. The upgrade will continue without it until you get to the end when you should run root.sh and it will bomb out stating that that patch is not installed. In order to install it you will have to shut down the grid and asm home and apply the patch. This will of course mean that you have to kill the upgrade process. This causes a problem because after you apply the patch and restart the upgrade process, the installer states that there is no grid or asm installation on the machine. This is because it has wiped out a parameter in the oracle inventory for the grid installation. It removes the “  CRS=”true”  “ parameter from the end of the line listing the grid home in the ~oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml file. The entry should look similar to this:


If you run into this problem then manually edit the file and add the parameter back in and the installer will find the cluster and continue normally.

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