Tuesday, October 19, 2010

-- Questions about the Oracle GG Roadmap --

By Oracle Corp.

1.- Will Oracle fix the recyclebin off issue when capturing DDL? If so, what OGG release and what RDBMS versions are expected to support a functioning recyclebin in the source?

We now support the recyclebin on/true for Oracle 11g along with our DDL replication support, Oracle 10g still requires the recyclebin to be off/false.

   2.- Does OGG support active-active in a 3+ node (multi master) configuration? Documentation shows 3 nodes in an active-active configuration, is 3+ supported?  If so, any restrictions for DML or DDL for a 3+ active-active configuration?
      Our active-active capabilities apply to any number of nodes in the configuration, in other words, we are not limited to only two. Obviously you need to make special considerations for other factors such as the replication of tables that use sequences, replication of truncate or other DDL operations, for example. For best practices, I recommend for multi-node active-active environments, that user privileges/grants are set so that DDL operations can only originate from one node and not the others. Configure OGG to replicat those DDL operations to all downstream nodes in one direction only. Of course that means that other considerations need to plan in event that the node that allows DDL operations goes down or has a planned downtime for maintenance activities.
      3.- When will OGG support source tables with Advanced Compression?  10.4.x docs says compressed tables are not supported for extract.
       It is on the road-map to support advanced compression. In fact, a release defining feature is to integrate our transaction log reading functionality with the XStreamOut API. This integration will give us support for the variety of database compression features. This is scheduled to be part of the next major release. 
      4.- Will the SUPPRESSTRIGGERS param available for RDBMS and 11.2.+ for OGG 11.1.x be supported in other RDBMS versions, mainly and all 11G R1 RDBMS versions.
      SUPPRESSTRIGGERS parameter  support is the ultimate goal, but I am not clear which future release this is targeted to be included. Each database has different functionality so it might be a phased approach depending if it is possible and the development effort required to support it.

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